A Test Post. - For Blog Functionalities
This is the content of the test post. That’s how it originally read. However, I later thought, it is better suited to demonstrate some functionalities and technical aspects of the site. Here I rendered a lilypond code block (emacs babel) into musical notation:
\version "2.24.4"
\language "english"
\header {
piece = "Some notes"
tagline = ""
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Some instr."
} \relative c' {
c8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
c,8 d e f g a b c
#(set-default-paper-size '(cons (* 200 mm) (* 60 mm)))